Portugal resident
How to Become a Portugal Resident – The Portuguese Temporary Residency Permit
Portugal Residency Visa
If you wish to become a Portugal resident and move to Portugal, and you do possess a regular income from a pension or an investment, you are eligible and may apply for the temporary residency permit.
You are eligible to obtain a temporary residency permit and become a Portugal resident if you possess a source of passive income from your investments for example, and you wish to move and settle in the country of Portugal. The Portuguese temporary residency permit is most usually granted to those who can prove that they possess a monthly regular passive income of at least one thousand and seventy Euros.
The direct dependents of the main applicant may also be included in their application for the Portuguese temporary residency permit.
Additionally, should one become a Portugal resident – by either having spend one hundred and eighty three days in a year in the country of Portugal, or by possessing a dwelling in the country of Portugal with the proven intention to hold it as habitual residence – and they have not been taxed in the country of Portugal, as a tax Portugal resident, over the previous years, they may be eligible for the Non-Habitual Portugal Resident Status as well. Should one apply for this program and obtain the status they may then benefit from a full on tax exemption on all their foreign-sourced pensions, dividends, royalties, interest income, and other types and forms of investment income, during a period of ten years. The Portuguese temporary residency permit is valid for a single year, and it is renewable for two year periods afterwards, provided that the applicant still meets all the requirements necessary for the permit to be issued to them in the first place.
After having spent five years in the country of Portugal as a Portugal resident, one may apply for a permanent residency permit as well. The Portuguese permanent residency permit will allow them to live and work in the country of Portugal indefinitely. In order for one to become eligible for the Portuguese permanent residency permit they will be required to prove that they possess a place of abode in the country of Portugal, that they possess sufficient means of subsistence, as well as that they possess some basic knowledge of Portuguese language.