Living in Portugal – Health Care Info
The Portuguese health care system and health care facilities have undergone major improvements over the last ten years. Nowadays, Portugal has a rather high quality of health care to offer. If you are considering moving to Portugal, whether to live, work, or retire here, we consider it important that you are familiar with our health care system.
Additional Information
The World Health Report, conducted and published by the World Health Organisation, rated the Portuguese health care system as the 12th best in the world.
In order to receive healthcare in Portugal, provided by the country’s National Health Service, all an individual has to do is go to their nearest Health Centre. Additionally, the Portuguese Hospital Casualty Services are also at disposal in case of an emergency situation. These services are provided to people in case of any of the following: Poisoning, severe respiratory issues, burns, thrombosis, emergency heart issues, and serious physical trauma among others.
To access these services in an emergency situation, simply dial the European Emergency Number – 112.
For non-emergency situation, Portugal provides an information hotline, or “Linha Saúde” in Portuguese, at 24 808242424, where you can clarify various procedural and health issues.
- Living in Portugal – Health Care Info
- Living in Portugal – Health Care Info
Critical Aspects to Consider
– In order to access medical attention under the purview of the national health care of Portugal, a citizen of the EU who is not a citizen of Portugal as well, must provide their European Health Insurance Card, as well as their proof of identityfication, such as their passport.
– This applies to all individuals who seek to receive free or low cost medical attention in Portugal, that hail from any of the twenty seven EU countries.
– In order to access medical attention under the purview of the national health care of Portugal, as a foreigner with a Portuguese residency permit, one must obtain and submit a User’s Card and be registered at a National Health Centre.
– Both of these can be acquired at any National Health Centre in Portugal, by providing proof of authoritisation of residence in the country.
– If you are looking for low cost medical care at a hospital, The National Health Service provides many useful services to help you obtain it.
– To claim insurance in Portugal, one must go to a private hospital instead, outside of the national medical service.